Organizational Audiobooks That Marie Kondo Would Be Proud Of

Posted by Jolene Barto on

If you’ve been anywhere other than underneath a rock lately, you know about Marie Kondo, and you know this phrase:

Does it spark joy?

No matter if you’ve seen Marie Kondo’s new Netflix series or if you read the book-that-has-become-phenomenon, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you know that people are getting the organizational itch. Because honestly, life is complicated enough without clutter.
Amen to simplifying a complicated life.
And let me tell you, if you aren’t folding your clothes using the KonMari method, you are missing out. And, as the weather starts to become warmer and warmer, and spring cleaning becomes more and more a primal instinct (seriously, where is the graph that shows the inverse relationship that shows the warmer the weather, the less patience you have for junk foolishness?), I’ve gotchu a list of books that will inspire you to finally get rid of that box of scunchies that you haven’t worn since the early 2000s. Also, because your hands are going to be busy folding those sweaters into perfect little stackable squares, why not listen to an audiobook while you're seriously simplifying your life? Here’s some of my personal audiobook recs to spark joy in all your organizational goals:

Cozy, Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith

Myquillyn Smith isn’t here to preach a certain style to you. She isn’t here to tell you how to buy cool stuff to style your home. Instead, she’s here to: A) Show you that coziness is a mindset, not about accumulating items that feel “cozy”, and B) Show you that you can get rid of a lot of stuff and just repurpose the stuff you already own to make your home warm and inviting. She basically speaks to my frugal anxiety and calms me one comfy chair at a time.

Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White

If the word STUFF gives you anxiety, Dana K. White is here for you. Also, she is funny, so as you stare deep into your junk drawer (everyone has these, right? RIGHT?) with a mixture of horror and stress, at least you’ll be laughing. Also you will learn the term “procrasticlutter” – it’s a real thing, we all know it’s real, and Dana K. White gets you woke to it.

A Simplified Life by Emily Ley

Emily Ley is the queen of clearing clutter: it’s literally what she strives to do on a daily basis, not only personally, but professionally, as owner of the renowned Simplified Planner. Simplified Life is about organizing priorities, which is a helpful mindset when you’re trying to decide truly needs to stay in your life and what needs to go.

Staying Stylish by Candace Cameron Bure

Candace Cameron Bure once guided my childhood on Full House, and now she’s guiding my adult self in Staying Stylish. What I love about Staying Stylish is that it is all about balance, making sure that you place an equal emphasis on physical, mental, and spiritual aspects in your life. So when you need to feel some chill about the mess that is your sock drawer, let Candace guide you. Need some more inspiration to listen to while putting the Marie Kondo method into practice? Check out our other audiobook posts: Page Chaser is operated by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, which is the publisher of Cozy, Minimalist Home, Decluttering at the Speed of Life, A Simplified Life, and Staying Stylish.

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