BOOK QUIZ: Pick Your Perfect Vacation, We'll Recommend a Book

Posted by Aryn VanDyke on

The weather outside is frightful, but it's also springtime, so there's no way to light a delightful fire. What are we to do? There's one clear answer: you should daydream about a vacation. Then, you should take this book quiz. Do you love the mountains and fresh air? Would you prefer to lounge on a beach, without a care in the world? Or does your idea of the perfect getaway involve running around a new city, trying exotic new cuisine? No matter what tickles your fancy, we have a book for you. So, daydream on, Chaser friends! HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., operates Page Chaser, the publisher of All Things New, At Home in the World, Girl Wash Your Face, How is Your Soul? and Of Mess and Moxie.
book quiz book recommendation quiz book recommendations Category_Fun Things quiz to pick a book

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